Michael Neaum’s Arrangements J-L

Jane’s marriage (for Jane Austen’s 200th anniversary * & SATB

Jeannie with the light brown hair TBB

Joey @

Just the way you look tonight Kern @ & SATB

John’s gone to Hilo SATB

Kismet selection @

Kitty my love - Trad. Irish @

The Lady is a tramp - Richard Rogers @

The Lark in the clear air - Trad. English * @

Lasciate mi morire - Monteverdi *

Last thing on my mind - Tom Paxton #

The Leaves that are green turn to brown - Paul Simon *

Leaving on a jet plane - John Denver @


* = Female voices (a cappella)

#= 2 Part & Piano

@= 3&4 part plus piano

%=Lyrics for classics (original texts by Don Read)

Let’s fall in love - Cole Porter #

The Life that I have - Michael Neaum SATB & Piano

Listen to the lambs - Spiritual #

Long live love - Beethoven 2Pathetique sonata, 2nd movement %

The Lord bless thee and keep thee - M Neaum * SSAA & SATB

The Lost chord - Sullivan @

Lullabye (goodnight my angel) - billy Joel @

Lullaby of Broadway @